FASS International Peer Mentoring Program

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Build your skills, meet new people and be welcomed to our community in our mentoring program for first year international students.

The International Welcome and Mentoring Program runs from Welcome Week, commencing Monday 14 February 2022 until week six of semester one, 2022.

Senior students lead a small group of new undergraduate coursework students in the same area of study. They'll share  advice on starting undergraduate studies, facilitate conversation and support the group to feel a sense of connection and belonging in our community.

We welcome students from all different experience levels and backgrounds and students located overseas.

Mentor group connections can be done remotely or in-person, with meetings scheduled at times convenient to you and your group.

Mentor Information

Join the International Welcome and Mentoring Program as a mentor to to give back and assist commencing students. 

Mentee Information

Join the International Welcome and Mentoring Program as a mentee to meet other students and your mentor.

One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell

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