About the roles

Joining Rules

The Faculty of Science Mentoring Program uses the information provided by the participants to establish the best possible connections through a set of rules. The most important of these rules is the one-up scheme, which ensures mentees are always connected with participants that are at least one step ahead of them in their career.

As the Program is available to many different cohorts, there are some role limitations for participants to ensure appropriate pairings can be made.

Here is a quick guide of the role you could choose when joining the program, depending on which stage of your academic career you are at:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What am I expected to do?  Mentors are expected to provide their mentee with at least one hour of support and interaction per month. Most of this interaction will take place via email and other web-related tools (for example, instant messaging) or face-to-face, as appropriate. Mentors should work with their mentee to determine what kind of support will be most useful - general career advice, information on higher studies, personal encouragement, and so on.

  • How long will the commitment be?  We ask our mentors to make commitments of at least six months to one year in order to ensure that the mentee is able to fully benefit from the relationship.

  • The relationship is not going well / I am concerned about the mentorship. What should I do?  We encourage letting the mentor/mentee know about the situation and contact Program Admin Immediately. We will provide our full support to resolve the situation in a positive and satisfactory manner.

    For more information, please email science.mentoring@sydney.edu.au


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